Hysteroscopy is an imaging technique with which we perform real time visualization of the endometrial cavity, as well as of the endo-cervical canal and of the internal os of the fallopian tubes (Figure 1). Thus, the physician has a more precise diagnosis concerning pathologic conditions concerning mainly the endometrial cavity, which results after gynecologic symptoms, clinical examination, or after exploration of the female genital tract by transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS) or by hystero-salpingography (HSG). The diagnostic hysteroscopy, can be followed by the therapeutic hysteroscopy, using the suitable hysteroscope such as Bettocchi (Figure 2), or resectoscope (monopolar or bipolar) (Figure 3).
Hysteroscopy is an imaging technique with which we perform real time visualization of the endometrial cavity, as well as of the endo-cervical canal and of the internal os of the fallopian tubes (Figure 1). Thus, the physician has a more precise diagnosis concerning pathologic conditions concerning mainly the endometrial cavity, which results after gynecologic symptoms, clinical examination, or after exploration of the female genital tract by transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS) or by hystero-salpingography (HSG). The diagnostic hysteroscopy, can be followed by the therapeutic hysteroscopy, using the suitable hysteroscope such as Bettocchi (Figure 2), or resectoscope (monopolar or bipolar) (Figure 3).

Diagnostic hysteroscopy
Hystero-salpingography (HSG)
Therapeutic hysteroscopy
Diagnostic hysteroscopy
- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) from the female genital tract
- Endometrial pathology after:
Hystero-salpingography (HSG)
- Exploration of subfertility
Therapeutic hysteroscopy
- Endometrial polyps (Figure 4)
- Endometrial myomas (Figure 5)
- Endometrial adhesions (Asherman syndrome)
- Congenital anomalies of the Mullerian duct (uterine diaphragm, bicornuate uterus, etc)
- Residual tissue from previous pregnancy
- Stuck intrauterine device (IUD, uterine spiral)

The most often complications after diagnostic or therapeutic hysteroscopy are:
The most often complications after diagnostic or therapeutic hysteroscopy are:
- Uterine perforation (0.5-1%).
- Endometritis (infection of the endometrial cavity)
- Pulmonary embolism
- Liquid overloaded systematic circulation

Associate Professor
Obstetrics Gynecology –
Gynecologic Oncology
Obstetrics Gynecology –
Gynecologic Oncology

Test PAP
PAP smear or test PAP is the collection of cell population from the cervix and the endocervical canal to identify cervical pathology, actually premalignant and malignant diseases.

HPV-DNA testing
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is related to cervical cancer in 99% of cases. Most often high risk subtypes concerning the malignant diseases of the female genital tract are the types 16 and 18.

Colposcopy is the method for the further diagnostic approach of patients with cervical pathology, which was diagnosed using PAP smear or HPV-DNA testing.